Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Flyers.

Click the flyer pics to make 1984 size!
I was and still am more of a fan of arcade games than pinball but I certainly recognize their rightful places in the arcades of my youth. The three featured Pinball machines shown above show that the companies spent just as much as their pixelated playing brother machines when it came down to creating an eye-catching flyer for selling their products.
Though I wonder what Attila the Hun would have thought if someone travelled back in time and explained his 'likeness' was on a game.
Thanks as always to the Arcade Flyer Archive for the above pics.
Pinball Wizard - The Who


du8 said...

alien star looks familiar...

Vic Sage said...

I know what you mean, du8, but for the life of me I cannot recall where I might have seen it. Perhaps the local bowling alley?

Christopher Tupa said...

These really make me want a pinball machine in my house

Vic Sage said...

I'd really like to get that Universal Monsters pinball machine in my house at some point in my life, Tupa. :)