It has finally happened, the Radium Chimps, that so many of you dear readers warned me about have staged an uprising on the lower decks of the Victory Pellet Vault. I barely have time to type this announcement that I am locking the Vault doors for good, never to return to it.
Luckily my good friend, the Retroist, has taken pity on my situation and allowed me to post on his site:
So you may now see my rambling messages up on the main site, so please come on over and if you feel like it, drop a comment if you like what you see over there. Many people like myself share their gaming, television, toy, and movie memories everyday on the Retroist site and a more friendlier bunch of people you'll be hard pressed to find.
All silliness aside from the topmost writing, I want to thank each and every one of you, friends, for not only improving my life with your humorous and heartfelt comments but for giving me something to look forward to everyday, a new post to share with my online friends.
It has been a pleasure to post...nearly...six days of the week, missed a few here and there, and I hope you've enjoyed what you've read. It's been almost two years since I started up the Victory Pellet Vault and it was originally conceived to keep in contact with my local friends with pretty much what you see every day of the week here, it was a way to not clutter up their e-mail boxes. I cannot truly express how surprised and happy I was to find so many people who held my interests just as close to their own hearts.
Remember though, this is not a good-bye but a good beginning over at the Retroist site. Look forward to seeing you there!